Multiscale finite element methods for flows in heterogeneous porous media
Tipo de evento: Seminário LNCC
In this talk, I will describe the applications of multiscale finiteelement methods for flows in heterogeneous porous media.The main idea of multiscale finite element methods is basedon the concept of generalized finite element methods.In particular, the small scale information is incorporated intothe basis functions, which are coupled via global formulationof the problem. I will talk about our recent work on incorporatingthe global information into finite element basis functionsin two-phase flow simulations.This method provides a significantimprovement in two-phase flow simulations in porous mediawhere the long-range effects are important. This is typical forsome recentbenchmark tests, such as the SPE comparative solution project,where porous media has a channelized structure.Generalization of multiscale finite element methods to nonlinearequations will be also presented.This is a joint work with Tom Hou (Caltech) and Victor Ginting (TexasA\&M Unversity).
Data Início: 20/07/2005 Hora: 14:00 Data Fim: Hora: 15:30
Local: LNCC - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Ciêntifica - Auditorio A
Comitê Organizador: Yalchin Efendiev - Texas A&M University - -