Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation: An Overview of the Hariri Institute for Computing at Boston University
Tipo de evento: Seminário LNCC
The Rafik B. Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science& Engineering initiates, catalyzes, and propels collaborative,interdisciplinary research and training initiatives for a bettersociety by promoting (a) discovery and innovations through the use ofcomputational and data-driven approaches, and (b) advances in thescience of computing inspired by challenges in arts and sciences,engineering, and management disciplines. The Institute strives tocreate and sustain a community of scholars who believe in thetransformative potential of computational perspectives in research andeducation. This vision is realized through the support of a portfolioof ambitious computational research projects, and forward-lookingeducational and outreach initiatives at Boston University.In this talk, I will overview the mission and underlying philosophy ofthe Institute, and will present examples of Institute activities,projects, and initiatives currently underway.***********Biografia:Azer Bestavros (PhD 1992, Harvard U) is a Professor in the CSDepartment at Boston University, which he joined in 1991 and chairedfrom 2000 to 2007. He is the chair of the IEEE-CS TC on the Internet,and the Founding Director of the BU Hariri Institute for Computing,which was set up in 2010 to "create and sustain a community ofscholars who believe in the transformative potential of computationalperspectives in research and education." He is the recipient of the2010 United Methodist Scholar Teacher Award for "outstandingdedication and contributions to the learning arts and to theinstitution" and of the ACM Sigmetrics Inaugural Test of Time Awardfor "research whose impact is still felt 10-15 years after its initialpublication." His research contributions include pioneering the pushweb content distribution model adopted years later by CDNs, seminalwork on Internet and web characterization, and work on formalverification of networks and systems. Funded by grants totaling over$20M, his research yielded 15 PhD theses, 6 issued patents, 2 startupcompanies, hundreds of refereed papers, and over 12,000 citations onGoogle Scholar. His current research is focused on mechanism designfor efficient and secure cloud computing.For more information, check: http://www.cs.bu.edu/~best/
Data Início: 25/09/2012 Hora: 13:30 Data Fim: Hora: 15:30
Local: LNCC - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Ciêntifica - Auditorio B
Comitê Organizador: Azer Bestavros - Computer Science Department, Boston University, USA - -