An effective numerical technique for pipe-like domains and its application in computational hemodynamics
Tipo de evento: Defesa de Tese de Doutorado
In the last decades, the role of the computational hemodynamics in the prognosis and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases has become fundamental due the large evidence of the correlation between flow-related quantities (such as velocity, pressure, wall shear stresses among others ) and the localization and onset of alterations in the mechaobiology of the arterial wall. These promising capabilities are still strongly limited for massive usage in the daily medical practice due to the trade-off between the quantity/quality of information provided by the current methodologies and their computational cost (in terms of time and resources). Classical examples of this are the cheap one-dimensional models, incapable to provide insight about wall shear stresses, and the full 3D models which, even delivering very detailed information of the blood flow dynamics, their use at the scale of the whole cardiovascular system is still prohibitive due to the large computational cost implied. This context motivated the search for new methodologies capable to provide clinically relevant information at a reduced computational cost. In this work, a novel numerical scheme is proposed for the discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations. This approach, coined as Transversally Enriched Pipe Element Method (TEPEM), is demonstratedly able to provide hemodinamically relevant information at a fraction of the time of full 3D simulations. The capabilities of this methodology are studied and the results confirm the effectiveness in terms of maintaining satisfactory accuracy, of reducing the computational resources and the execution time.
Data Início: 21/03/2018 Hora: 10:00 Data Fim: 21/03/2018 Hora: 13:00
Local: LNCC - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Ciêntifica - Auditorio A
Aluno: Luis Alonso Mansilla Alvarez - LNCC - LNCC
Co-Orientador: Raúl A. Feijóo - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica - LNCC
Orientador: Pablo Javier Blanco - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica - LNCC
Participante Banca Examinadora: Abimael Fernando Dourado Loula - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica - LNCC Alessandro Veneziani - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Emory University, USA - Álvaro Coutinho - COPPE/UFRJ - COPPE/UFRJ Pablo Javier Blanco - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica - LNCC Regina Célia Cerqueira de Almeida - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica - LNCC
Suplente Banca Examinadora: Rodrigo Weber dos Santos - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF